In our time2sustain blog, we reflect solutions and strategies for 10 times innovation on sustainability challenges. 10 times innovation in this context is not a Marketing claim but linked to substantial numbers.

Fig. 10 times innovation derived from IPAT (own illustration)

The UN is expecting the world population to grow towards 10 billion people in 2050. In addition, average per capita income is expected to double from 10,000 USD to 20,000 USD, which is economically good news. At the same time the environmental footprint needs to be drastically reduced by 80% in 2050 e.g. when looking at greenhouse gas emissions. Applying the IPAT formula and deriving the required solution factor, the mathematical number is 10. So in order to grow population and income AND drastically reduced the environmental impact, we need solutions that are 10 times more sustainable than current solutions. This means, continuous improvement and gradual step-by-step improvements are good but no longer sufficient. We need bolder action and 10 times innovation for all human need areas including all innovation strategies such as sufficiency, efficiency and effectiveness.